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Our Site... Conner's Story...

Conner, a precious miracle and an amazing creature sent to Carl, Brenden and myself one cold, snowy January day. From the second he entered our life, I knew in my heart he was so incredibly special. His first smile, his first cry, even his first breath, he was--and remains--beautiful.

Conner was such a sweet, loving, and happy boy whose smile could light a room. His eyes had an amazing twinkle that made me melt. Conner was the picture of health, so strong, so beautiful.

The Worst Day of Our Lives...

Our sweet Conner was diagnosed with classic infantile Tay-Sachs disease at the age of 7 ½ months. At the time of Conner's diagnosis, he was rolling over, smiling, sitting up, and attempting to crawl. However, one by one those milestones in which we treasured...disappeared. The day of his diagnosis was the worst day our lives, for with no treatment and no cure, our son was sentenced to death just months after he was given life.

Over the next upcoming months Conner lost the ability to sit up, roll over, and he had lost head control. By 16 months of age, he became seizure-ridden, virtually paralyzed, and blind. Words cannot do justice to the feelings a parent has to see their child being ravaged by such a horrible disease. We were utterly devastated as we watched our son slip further and further away with each passing moment.

Now an angel...

Conner passed away from Tay-Sachs disease at the young age of 22 months. Every moment of every day we are heartbroken and long to see Conner again. Conner was a truly incredible son to Carl and I, and the best baby brother Brenden could’ve asked for. Our son is now an angel in the purest sense of the word. He is flying high above us and looking in from time to time. His final moments here on earth, were spent them much like his first, with Carl and I holding his little hand as he took his final breaths.

Conner, we have loved you from the moment of your existence and we will continue to love you forever.

Desiree Hopf, July 2007

For more information, please visit Conner's Way.


© 2007 Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation. All Rights Reserved.
The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt foundation
Site-design by Ken Bihn. Developed by Michael Pusateri