2017 Upcoming Fundraising Events
- Cure Tay-Sachs Cook Off - February 18, 2017
- 11h Annual Princess Riley Bear Golf Outing - August 12, 2017
- 2016 Fund Raising Campaign Results
- eBay & MissionFish
- GoodSearch
- United Way
- Donate By Check
- Donate Online
- 2007 Fund Raising Campaign Results
- 2008 Fund Raising Campaign Results
- 2009 Fund Raising Campaign Results
- 2010 Fund Raising Campaign Results
- 2011 Fund Raising Campaign Results
- 2012 Fund Raising Campaign Results
- 2013 Fund Raising Campaign Results
- 2014 Fund Raising Campaign Results
- 2015 Fund Raising Campaign Results
- 2016 Fund Raising Campaign Results
In 2008 we had the idea of putting buckets into local businesses to solicit donations - we had mixed success. But today one bucket still exists - at Harrison's Roast Beef (80 Chickering Rd, North Andover, MA 01845). This bucket has been emptied
104 times and raised a total of $23,468 ($865 in 2016)!!
How is that even possible. If you are ever in North Andover please stop in - have a sandwich and thank them for their continued support. Dakota and I did!! And you just might see the Warrens!! back to topThe Cure Tay-Sachs Cook Off featuring Fry Master Dave Luce's Chicken Gizzards and Fly Master Rob Hoard's Rocky Mountain Oysters will take place on Saturday, February 18, 2017 at Lamp Lighter Bar & Grill in Coldwater, MI. You got the stomach for it? All proceeds benefit the Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation in memory of the legendary Princess Riley Luce!!
To see Flier click here
back to topThe 11th Annual Princess Riley Bear Golf Outing will take place on Saturday, August 12, 2017 at the Coldwater Country Club (same place as last year). Eleven years of supporting the amazing Riley Luce and her remarkable family. The Coldwater and surrounding community has supported the Luce family like every family wishes their community would. Plus this event is one fun time!!! More information to come!!
To see Flier Front click here
To see Flier Back click here
back to topThe Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation will sponsored a number of fund raising events in 2016. The following is summary of the events that occurred and how they fared. The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation is most grateful for the many volunteers that made the fundraising possible and the countless organizations that supported our efforts. When the CURE for Tay-Sachs disease becomes a reality, you will all know you had a significant role in making that happen. Thank you and God Bless!
- Jeanne Karl's 90th Birthday$723
- Jump for Tay-Sachs - June 27th - $2,758
- 10th Annual Princess Riley Bear Golf Outing - August 20th - $21,619
- 2nd Annual Kick'n It with Kenzie - October 13th - $9,521
- Tailgate for Tay-Sachs$660

The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation is a register charity with MissionFish. MissionFish is non-profit charity affiliated with eBay. The two organizations have teamed up to allow eBay sellers the chance to support their favorite charities. Every eBay seller has the opportunity to designate the Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation as a benefactor from their sale. The seller chooses our charity and then a percentage of the sale they wish to donate (must be at least $5).
The downside is MissionFish does take up to 20% to cover their costs as a 501(c)(3) non-profit (the percentage gets lower the higher the selling price). If an eBay seller is classified as a "Direct Seller" for the foundation, then MissionFish takes no fee.
The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation has set up an eBay account so we can sell items on-line to benefit the foundation. If you are an eBay user and wish to help find a CURE — donate a portion of your sales to the Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation. If you have items you would like to sell to benefit the Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation — let us know and we can put them up for sale using the foundation's eBay account.
Contact us at questions@curetay-sachs.org if you need help or information can be found at www.MissionFish.org or www.eBay.com
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GoodSearch is an internet search engine. The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation has signed up as an eligible charity. If you select the Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation as your charity we get one cent for every search you do. Furthermore, if you buy items from an affiliated store, between 3-5% of that sale will be donated to the Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation. The service cost you nothing. Just select the Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation as your charity of choice and begin searching the internet and shopping just like you normally would.
Make GoodSearch your search engine of choice and support the Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation. You would be helping us find a CURE.
To begin earning us money, go to www.goodsearch.com.
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Did you know when you donate to United Way at work you could be having those donations earmarked for the Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation? When you sign up to make your donations, ask to make the Cure Tay-Sachs foundation the recipients of your donation. The requirements are that the charity is a 501(c)(3) approved organization — and we are!
You may be asked for the Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation EIN or Tax ID#, the foundations address, and some contact information. I have provided all that detail below. Ask your Human Resource Department and see if you can't help us find a CURE for Tay-Sachs disease!
Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation
12730 Triskett Road
Cleveland, OH 44111
EIN or Tax ID# 26-0256621
Phone (216) 812-5855
Fax (216) 251-6728
Contact: Kenneth Bihn, President
Make Check payable to Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation and mail to the following address:
Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation
12730 Triskett Road
Cleveland, OH 44111
We will issue you a receipt for your tax records. The Cure Tay-Foundation is a tax exempt, non-profit, charity approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3). For a copy of the IRS determination letter, click here.
back to topTo make a secure donation with a credit card or through PayPal, click the PayPal Donation button.
You do NOT need a PayPal account to make a credit card donation. We will issue you a receipt for your tax records. The Cure Tay-Foundation is a tax exempt, non-profit, charity approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3).
For a copy of the IRS determination letter, click here.
back to topThe Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation will sponsored a number of fund raising events in 2015. The following is summary of the events that occurred and how they fared. The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation is most grateful for the many volunteers that made the fundraising possible and the countless organizations that supported our efforts. When the CURE for Tay-Sachs disease becomes a reality, you will all know you had a significant role in making that happen. Thank you and God Bless!
- Olmsted Falls Helping Hands - February 19th - $2,758
- Jake Rabinowitz's Bar Mitzvah - February 27th - $1,920
- Wingin It for Tay-Sachs - March 29th - $1,879
- Bob & Jean Bihn Mailing - February - $5,325
- Willow Grove Elementary Fundraiser - March - $1,068
- Allie Gordon's 11th Birthday - May 5th - $1,085
- Tay-Sachs Baseball Classic - May 9th - $3,643
- Jump for Tay-Sachs - June 28th - $1,647
- 9th Annual Princess Riley Bear Golf Outing - August 15th - $21,230
- Honorable Order of the Blue Goose Ohio Pond Golf Outing - September 4th - $5,132
- Molly Grace Fundraiser - September 16th - $388
- 6th Annual Shoot at Tay-Sachs - October 9th - $32,275+
- Kick'n It with Kenzie - October 10th - $12,391
- 2015 Tay-Sachs Charity Auction - October 16th - $101,468
- Tailgate for Tay-Sachs - October 17th - $11,813
The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation will sponsored a number of fund raising events in 2014. The following is summary of the events that occurred and how they fared. The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation is most grateful for the many volunteers that made the fundraising possible and the countless organizations that supported our efforts. When the CURE for Tay-Sachs disease becomes a reality, you will all know you had a significant role in making that happen. Thank you and God Bless!
- 4th Annual Tay-Sachs Baseball Classic - May 10th - $4,552
- Elise Rochman Benefit - May - $1,608
- Justin Lahman's Jump in a Lake Challenge - May - $1,393
- Jump for Tay-Sachs - May 30th - $1,836
- 11th Annual Drive FORE Dylan (CTSF Portion only)- June 20th - $3,344
- Blue Goose Golf Outing - June - $5,763
- 8th Annual Princess Riley Bear Golf Outing - August 16th - $24,038
- Tailgate for Tay-Sachs - September 6th - $12,482
- Hunter Combs 13th Birthday - September 27th - $11,785+
- Tim Rochman's 38th Birthday - October 4th - $4,171
- 5th Annual Shoot at Tay-Sachs - October 10th - $64,130
- Isaac Sandoval Fundraiser - November 2nd - $625
- 2014 Tay-Sachs Charity Auction - November 14th - $126,852(NEW RECORD!!!)
The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation will sponsored a number of fund raising events in 2013. The following is summary of the events that occured and how they fared. The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation is most grateful for the many volunteers that made the fundraising possible and the countless organizations that supported our efforts. When the CURE for Tay-Sachs disease becomes a reality, you will all know you had a significant role in making that happen. Thank you and God Bless!
- 2013 Tay-Sachs Charity Golf Outing - January 25th - $26,273
- Big Elise's Chilly-Chili Cook of for the Cure - February 9th - $5,337
- We Fight Tay-Sachs for Nathan - February 23rd - $9,393
- 3rd Annual Tay-Sachs Baseball Classic - May 11th - $6,198
- 10th Annual Drive FORE Dylan - June 21st - $20,222
- 8th Annual Elise Rochman Benefit - July 20th - $47,373
- HO of the Blue Goose International - Ohio Pond Golf Outing - August 9th - $6,690
- 7th Annual Princess Riley Bear Golf Outing - August 17th - $18,397
- 4th Annual Shoot at Tay-Sachs - October 11th - $75,127
- EWR Charity Golf Outing - October 14th - $23,410
- Yoga for Hope for Gavin - October 20th - $1,055
- Tailgate for Tay-Sachs - October 26th - $8,865
- 2013 Tay-Sachs Charity Auction - November 1st - $121,775
The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation will sponsored a number of fund raising events in 2011. The following is summary of the events that occured and how they fared. The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation is most grateful for the many volunteers that made the fundraising possible and the countless organizations that supported our efforts. When the CURE for Tay-Sachs disease becomes a reality, you will all know you had a significant role in making that happen. Thank you and God Bless!
- Luminary Lights - December - $470
- Huge Vendor Sale - February 1st - $962
- We Fight Tay-Sachs for Nathan - February 11th - $17,035
- 2011 Tay-Sachs Charity Golf Outing - February 17th - $30,066
- Eat at Moe's 2012 - April 14th - $250
- 2nd Annual Cure Tay-Sachs Baseball Classic - May 11th - $5,797
- 9th Annual Drive FORE Dylan - June 29th - $10,292
- 2nd Annual Jumping Sacks for Tay-Sachs - May 14th - $976
- Honorable Order of the Blue Goose International Ohio Pond Golf Outing - August 10th - $4,940
- 6th Annual Princess Riley Golf Outing - August 18th - $19,107
- 7th Annual Elise Rochman Benefit Concert - August 25th - $40,728
- Hunter Combs 11th Birthday - July 27th - $1,200
- Dakota's Dream - September 27th - $8,189
- 3rd Annual Shoot at Tay-Sachs - October 5th - $63,705
- Tailgate for Tay-Sachs - October 6th - $9,120
- 2012 Tay-Sachs Charity Auction - November 2nd - $98,761
- Golf For Gavin - September 15th - $2,500
- Rockland School Boo-Grams - October - $1,171
- Jump for Tay-Sachs - November - $2,701
The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation will sponsored a number of fund raising events in 2011. The following is summary of the events that occured and how they fared. The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation is most grateful for the many volunteers that made the fundraising possible and the countless organizations that supported our efforts. When the CURE for Tay-Sachs disease becomes a reality, you will all know you had a significant role in making that happen. Thank you and God Bless!
- Peet's Coffee and Tea - December 24th - $1,707
- Pins for Kids - January - $5,500
- Big Elise's Beefsteak Birthday Bash - February 5th - $7,074
- 2011 Tay-Sachs Charity Golf Outing - February 11th - $30,960
- Eat at Moe's Fundraiser - April 9th - $375
- Kick Boxing Boot Camp - April 28th - $300
- 1st Annual Tay-Sachs Baseball Classic - May 7th - $3,015
- 6th Annual Elise Rochman Benefit Concert - June 18th - $46,200
- 8th Annual Drive FORE Dylan Golf Outing - June 25th - $12,265
- A Midsummer Nights Miracle - July 14th - $1,570
- Olmsted Falls Varisty vs Alumni Charity Game - July 30th - $904
- Honorable Order of the Blue Goose International Ohio Pond Golf Outing - September 16th - $5,224
- Dakota's Dream - September 17th - $12,592
- 5th Annual Princess Riley Golf Outing - September 24th - $18,182
- 2nd Annual Shoot at Tay-Sachs - October 21st - $29,720
- Trick or Treat for Tay-Sachs - November 1st - $5,340
- 2011 Tay-Sachs Charity Auction - November 11th - $100,269
- Tailgate for Tay-Sachs - November 19th - $7,796
The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation will sponsored a number of fund raising events in 2010. The following is summary of the events that occured and how they fared. The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation is most grateful for the many volunteers that made the fundraising possible and the countless organizations that supported our efforts. When the CURE for Tay-Sachs disease becomes a reality, you will all know you had a significant role in making that happen. Thank you and God Bless!
- Peet's Coffee and Tea - December 24th - $2,060
- Eat at Moe's - February 20th - $250
- Shui Fier's Bar Mitzvah Project - May 2009 - $4,317
- Mustang Raffle - June 4th - $9,750
- An Evening for Elise ten Berge - June 7th - $1,865
- Drive Fore Dylan - June 18th - $10,490
- 5th Annual Elise Rochman Benefit Concert - June 19th - $43,701
- Elise Rochman Benefit Golf Outing - June 18th - $2,165
- Bridget's Boot Camp - July 16th & 17th - $935
- 4th Annual Blue Goose Golf Outing Ohio Pond - September 17th - $4,580
- Solano Stroll - September 12th - $2,425
- Little Angels Charities Pal-A-Thon - September 17 - 19 - $6,275
- 4th Annual Dakota's Dream - September 25th - $14,090
- 4th Annual Princess Riley Golf Outing - September 25th - $15,051
- Shoot at Tay-Sachs - October 8th - $37,220
- 3rd Annual Trick or Treat for Tay-Sachs - October 31st - $7,733
- 2010 Tay-Sachs Charity Auction - November 5th - $94,320
- Tailgate for Tay-Sachs - November 13th - $8,535
- Luminary Night - December 20th - $1,910
- Peet's Coffee & Tea Christmas Eve - December 24th - $1,758
- Tailgate for Tay-Sachs - November 13th - $8,810
The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation will sponsored a number of fund raising events in 2009. The following is summary of the events that occured and how they fared. The Cure Tay-Sachs Foundation is most grateful for the many volunteers that made the fundraising possible and the countless organizations that supported our efforts. When the CURE for Tay-Sachs disease becomes a reality, you will all know you had a significant role in making that happen. Thank you and God Bless!
- Peet's Coffee & Tea - December 31st - $2,025
- Little Angels Charities / Paltalk Pal-A-Thon - February 13-15 - $4,453
- Blue Moose Saloon Night Out - February 21st - $4,016
- Strongsville High School Powder Puff Football - April 4th - $1,200
- ROI Bucks for Ducks Dress Down Day - March 2009 - $1,393
- Spring Fever (Silpada, Mary Kay & Pamper Chef)- April 7th - $714
- Laughter, Comedy & Hope featuring Mike Armstrong - May 15th - $5,348
- A Night Out For Emily - May 30th - $11,870
- Drive FORE Dylan - June 19th - $5,195
- 4th Annual Elise Rochman Benefit at Blue Sky Vineyards - June 27th - $30,600
- Pins for Kids - 2009 - $5,800
- Joanne Metzinger Memorial - July 27th - $3,056
- Dakota's Dream 3 - September 12th - $16,372
- Honorable Order of the Blue Goose International - Ohio Pond - Charity Golf Outing - September 18th - $4,465
- Little Angels Charities and Paltalk Pal-A-Thon - September 18-20 $5,667
- 3rd Annual Charles Lee Anderson Benefit - September 20th - $3,391
- Amelia Alford's 3rd Birthday - September 29th - $1,635
- 3rd Riley Luce Benefit Golf Outing - September 26th - $15,000
- Kickballapalooza - October 17th - $4,800
- 2009 Tay-Sachs Charity Auction - October 23rd - $65,691
- Trick or Treat for Tay-Sach - October 31st - $9,641
- Tailgate for Tay-Sachs - November 7th & 14th - $31,505
- Hard Driver Band Benefit Concert - November 27th - $6,100
- 2009 Tay-Sachs Charity Golf Outing - December 4th - $25,341
- Silpada, Pampered Chef, and Mary Kay - January 23 - $1,308
- Radio Scooter International Radiothon - Feb 15 - 17, 2008 - $3,501
- 12th Birthday of Colin Mitchell, Becca Plasky and Emily Rinehardt - $1,570
- Jim Gill Benefit Concert at Friends West Park Church (March 17th) - $591
- Rocky River Vendor Fair - April 19 - $240
- Julie Bihn's 40th Birthday Celebration - April 26 - $5,166
- Elise Rochman 3rd Annual Benefit Concert - May 3 - $38,332
- Family Fun Fitness Fundraiser - May 31 - $1,365
- Candy's Garage Sale in Australia - June 15 - $1,705
- 2nd Annual Charles Lee Anderson Benefit - June 22 - $5,622
- Defender of Dakota - Filterqueen - June 2008 - $10,250
- Charles Lee Anderson Memorial - July 19 - $10,815
- Yoni Fier Bar Mitzvah Celebration - August 2008 - $5,654
- 2nd Annual Riley Luce Benefit Golf Outing - Augut 2 - $16,000
- Michigan Bucks present Goal for Dakota - Augut 9 - $10,205
- United Kingdom Walkathon - August 17th - $910
- Willow Lake Park Lottery Wreath - August 23rd - $1,073
- Equinox Salon Hair Cutting Promotion - August 21st to 24th - $1,524
- Dream Campaign - September 13th - $27,182
- Solano Stroll in CA - September 13th - $1,210
- Tricia Rochman's 40th Birthday Celebration - September 20th - $1,871
- Penn State/ Ohio State Tailgate Party for Tay-Sachs - October 18th & 25th - $17,739
- Trick or Treat for Tay-Sachs - November 3rd - $5,455
- Ultimate Sports Auction - November 8th - $62,478 (less $12,385 in expenses)!!
- CTSF Clam Bake (hosted by the Stevens family) - $600
- Long Beach, CA Garage Sale - $853
- Scrapbooking Fund Raiser - $140
- Olmsted Community Center Activity Nights - $200
- St. Anthony of Padua Parish Dress Down Day - $329
- Frank Russo County Auditor Dress Down Fund - $1,000
- Melanie Jaeckin's Class Bake Sale - $1,351
- Conner's Way Benefit Dinner - $25,540
- Ohio State / Penn State Tailgate Party for Tay-Sachs - October - $5,230
- Wingapolooza / Hard Driver Band Benefit Concert - $21,685
- Dakota's Dream Door to Door Collection - $47,518 (plus $10,000 in Corporate donations)
- St. Mary's Bake Sale (organized by Natalie Castro) - $134
- St. Thomas Episcopal Church Collection - $700
- Episcopal Church of Advent Collection - $236
- Molly Grace's Dream Door to Door Collection - $128
- St. Brendan's Church Collection - $560
- Olmsted Community Church Collection - $271
- Charles Lee's Dream Door to Door Collection - $856
- Polaris School Collection - $3,450
- Amy Fontana Pumpkin Roll Sale - $750
- North Royalton Middle School Wii Raffle - $2,026
- Great Northern Mall Gift Wrapping - $748